Note: This is a pre-release of BagaLand. Many things will likely change before the first stable release. Created accounts and apps will be deleted from time to time until the first stable release.


Using BagaWork, it's possible for anyone to easily create apps that can run on smartphones. Such apps are known as BagaWork apps, and if you create them on this website (BagaLand), then you can easily store them online and make them accessible to others, so they can easily run and install your apps on their smartphones.

BagaWork is available as open source. BagaLand, however, is not. Running BagaLand costs money, and currently, with very few users, those costs are not very high, and the services on this website can be offered for free. But if too many start using this website (which we of course hope 🙂) and the costs start to increase, then something will need to change to cover those costs (limited use for free, add ads, or paid subscriptions, or find sponsors, etc.). For now, enjoy the free goodies!

Both BagaWork and BagaLand are developed and maintained by Peter Larsson-Green.