Note: This is a pre-release of Bagaland. Many things will likely change before the first stable release. Created accounts and apps will be deleted from time to time until the first stable release.


All notable changes to this website will be documented on this webpage.

The version number format is somewhat based on SemVer 2.


Released 2024-02-03.

  • Improved page navigation
  • Updated BagaWork to 0.0.25


Released 2024-01-17.

  • Updated BagaWork to 0.0.24


Released 2023-12-12.

  • Updated BagaWork to 0.0.19


Released 2023-12-11.

  • Updated BagaWork to 0.0.18


Released 2023-12-08.

  • Updated BagaWork to 0.0.17


Released 2023-12-05.

  • Updated to BagaWork 0.0.16
  • Added releases, and the ability to update apps


Released 2023-11-29.

  • Updated bagawork to 0.0.15 which fixes a problem with app state containing array crashes when running app a second time


Released 2023-11-23.

  • When creating/updating an app in the editor, warn if the user tries to leave the page and will lose all her changes
  • Updated Bagawork to 0.0.13
  • Made apps remember their state by using localStorage
  • Made it possible to delete an app's stored state
  • Added public announcement


Released 2023-11-07.

  • Updated Bagawork to 0.0.10
  • Made it more secure for users to run other users' Baga Apps by adding a Content Security Policy to the run page


Released 2023-08-20.

  • Added edit app page
  • Added loading of related resources and show related resource info on some pages